Wednesday, January 19, 2011

the brief history of engineering ..

picture this: god said let there be light ......(fastforwarding) ...eve eats apple .....(4x speed) ...adam needs to protect his family from the rains and the sun (play mode) ..this is where our story starts ..adam gathers some leaves and branches and starts 'building' a shack ..tadaah!! ..the beginning of civil engineering ..

a few hundred years later ..adam's family expanded ..they needed more 'shacks' (can now be considered as houses) to live in life is no AOE game - click of a button and houses appear ..they had to get materials to build the beginning they had no preferences ..then through experience they found better materials but 'transporting' them to the building site was difficult ..even donkeys have 'yield points' they needed 'something' to bring the material guy saw a round stone tumbling down the slope ..ding bolke uska dimag ki batti jala ..he designed a wheel ..mechanical engineers are here ..then came a crisis - the stone resources were getting used up (and again like in AOE, 'rock on' doesn't get you stone) ..

another guy out of joblessness started digging ..he found some different looking rocks (there is a doubt here though - with what is he digging?? - let us assume that its a hard & sharp rock for time being) ..this rock had some shine on it they already know what fire is (this is a general discovery - you don't need an engineer to create fire - anyone can do it) this jobless guy started heating the rocks ..he must've been really tired after all the digging decided to have a 'short' nap and when he woke up he found a hard shining substance (named it 'metal' later) ..unknowingly this jobless guy created job oppurtunities for many people ..these people called themselves - 'mining and metallurgy engineers' ..the population began to increase 'exponentially'  to fill up the houses built by the civil engineers ..this led to the increase of unemployement eventually the 4 heads of 'The Engineers Gang' ..TEG for short (ISTE IEEE IE & CSI started when these 4 heads had a rift recently and split ..the heads are now being called 'convenors') ..the heads came to a conclusion that the branch 'mining and metallurgy' be split into 2 branches - 'mining engineering' and metallury engineering' ..

mechanical engineers meanwhile with their innovation created new machines ..there was too many innovative ideas and the demand for mech engineers increased ..soon the supply matched the demand (in the recent years the supply exceeded the demand was difficult to manage them they divided them into M1 and M2) the midst of all this there were people who wanted to be engineers but didn't know which branch to join ..these people created an exclusive branch for themselves called 'the chemical engineers' (some of these people were quoted saying that they are still clueless of what they do) ..a mathematician (also a chem engg fan) once described chemical engineering as the set of all possible engineering branches excluding civil mechanical mining and metallurgy (circuit based branches were still a generation away at that time) ..another mathematician claims that he can prove that the set is a null set (citation required) ..

coming to the newest arrivals ..the 'circuit' based branches ..E&E E&C ..computers were made by these engineers and soon a situation came where a seperate branch had to be created to handle the expansion engineers came into existence (now called computer science engineer) always there were some jobless people left who (as usual) wanted to be engineers but did not want to join any group ..they named their group as 'information technology' (they wanted a technically sophisticated sounding name to demarkate themselves from the chemical engineers) one knows why they don't have the 'engineers' tag in their group's name (or do we??) ..

this my dear fellow engineers and humans (by humans i mean humans who aren't engineers not something else) is the truth of how we engineers came into existence ..

# if i have hurt anyone's sentiments i have only one thing to say - truth is bitter but you have to digest it eventually ..
# joblessness is definitely the mother of creativity :P


  1. just a small correction in ur note..
    "#joblessness is definitely the mother of 'assumed' creativity"..ante..manam anukunte saripodu kada ra!;)

  2. That note was proved many times in the post (creation of IT group for example :P) (late koti's style) 'hence proved' ;D

  3. hahaha!!! ROFLMAO...
    could ve written more da...

  4. haven't read such a nice one in soooo many days... kiraaaaak undi ra...

  5. @avin ..too much is too bad pa ..
    @audi ..thanku :D
