Wednesday, September 29, 2010

the brainwaves ..

GOD ..the topic i had numerous brainwaves on ..

when i was a baccha dhadhi used to tell me ..ganapathi bappa ki dandam peetuko ..i used to do it deligently without asking why (of course i would be wondering whats for prasad) ..but who is god?? ..then some one told me god made the world, you, me, the people and everything living thing ..dhadhi ganga river?? (for me ..ganga was the biggest river ..felt it was obvious as it comes from shivji's head :D )  ..dhadhi: god created it ..he decides everything ..amma i got 90% ..amma: pray to god that you should get 95% ..prayed ..then amma 95% ..amma: see god gave ..woah!! ..ganapathi bappa rocks!! ..

then came big bang ..concept of evolution ..darwin ..copulation ..adaptation ..einstein ..what not ..realised there are very small things which have even smaller things to revolve around them ..these things inspite being so small are the whole universe literally ..and these things can be controlled by a human ..oh come this is possible?? playing around with the creator's building blocks?? ..i was quick to conclude ..god doesnt exist ..

then came another brain wave ..why in the first place did people think of a concept called 'god'?? ..because if there is someone you are answerable to then you wont do wrong things ..because you need some control some discipline ..something which you can hope will help you go through your bad times ..or maybe a monkeyboy asked his father who put the sun there?? ..and his father not to let him down must ve replied 'god' it was clear needed the concept 'god' to have some control in your life ..god will punish me if i do this what if you think ..this is wrong causes harm to so and so i wont do it ..there isnt a 'god' in the frame are in control of your life and you are answerable to yourself ..when in trouble there are always our loved ones to look up to again ..there is no need for god to exist ..

thats fine ..but how does that explain the monkeyboy's question?? ..einstein in his theory of relativity told ..beta forget distance ..forget time ..forget mass ..catch hold of speed of light ..voh fix kar ..tera har problem solved ..this gave me another brainwave ..what if god isnt a person ..isnt what we conventionally think is?? ..isnt a guy or a gal sitting in the heavens and watching over ..but instead is like a force ..or a blast of neutrinos ..force or energy which make things happen the way they happen ..that make the electons go around protons ..that makes the earth go around the sun ..that make the cells to function ..that gives or takes a life ..the 'thing' (couldnt think of a better replacement) that keeps things gng as they should ..but theres a glitch sounds kind of weird when you say 'may the force be with you' (no not talking about not star wars)..or 'may the energy help you through this and forgive your sins' ..maybe thats why god is a guy or a gal sitting up there somewhere ..

thoda clarity tho mila gaya im comfortable with that idea (atleast until the next brain wave) ..but the respect is back (mom will be happy) is the belief (in my own way though) :D

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

my appa is the best!! :D

when i was 5 ..i had a fight with one sai kiran on whose daddy was the best was 'daddy' at first ..then cut it short to 'dad' ..its 'appa' sometimes now :D ..

my first conscious memory of appa - ghar ke balcony mein kada tha returned from kodad (used to work there when i was a baccha) ..ran to amma and shouted 'daddy daddy' (read: dad came) with excitement brought me a mickey mouse glass that in which i used to drink milk everyday (im a milk addict) :D ..the next memory - was in the bathroom ..dhadhi called 'rinku ..daddy occhindu' (daady came) ..started running ..tripped off the threshold and fell on a table ..thats how i got one of my many scars on the forehead ..there are many other bachpan ke memories ..nice ones like sitting between dad and mom on the blue chetak on our way to the doc at chikoti and holding dad tightly for warmth ..funny ones like dad taking (a sleepy) me when i was in 2nd or 3rd standard to a eatery (if it was called one then) to have a talk on my laziness!! (yes ..paidaish lazy tha) :D ..and bad ones like being belted for not cmpleting notes on time and then covering it up with lies or for not coming home on time after school :D ..

bachpan mein parents teacher meeting - i used to prefer gng with mom rather than dad ..the reason - if the teacher complained (which she would always) i would get blasted by dad after at home ..but as a moved to high school sabkuch ulta hogaya ..appa became more of a bro than a dad ..then college ..appa really became more of my brother ..evryone mistook him for my elder brother (even the lecturers) ..girls used to oogle at him (what the tihs! i used to think) ..just imagine 17 18 yr old girls paying attention to a 40 yr old dad instead of his 18yr old son ..that how i started hating gng out with dad agn :P ..

i wont say my dad made many compromises to make our lives comfortable ..i guess all dads do that ..but he nvr regretted doing it even when we failed to succeed ..nvr complained ..nvr stopped smiling ..slowly the fear i had after i was first belted was gone was replaced by respect and admiration (the one that exists between bestest of friends) ..i can now say that i like pulling dad's leg (and dad likes it too!!) ..he knows every prank sammi n i play at home ..evry nakra we do ..and manages to be a part of it himself :D ..

there are millions of dads on earth ..but very few who text naughty jokes to their sons (while the son is in the class) or update abt what their 'gang of uncles' are upto ..very few who call and say 'whats up?? ..yaha pe powercut ..bore marra' ..very few who say do whatever your heart says and im there for you no matter what ..and very few ditch their formals for their sons jerseys and actually manage to look better than the sons ..thats why 20 ..i still say - 'MY APPA IS THE BEST!!'

Sunday, September 5, 2010

shubh aaramb!!

ah blogging!! ..putting whatevers on my mind on paper (figure of speech) ..where the hell did i get the idea of blogging?? ..all started when i wasnt clear on my opinion on existence of god ..might sound odd ..but this blog is supposed to be uncensored uncensored doesnt mean my mind is dirty ..its just means things are out of place and it ll be presented as it is back to the inception part ..i used to have many brainwaves abt the topic on existence of god ..typed it down in notepad ..then got clarity (too some extent) ..then thought ill start blogging ..chumma time pass ke liye ..that was a month back ..

aaj jeevan ke room mein baita tha, palli packet haath mein ..seriously thinking whether to brush my teeth or not ..bonedy comes up with his one liner - 'lions dont brush pa' ..finished the packet (brushed later) :P ..then sat down to study for hydraulics test (seriously!!) ..1st topic: reynold's number ..haath mein reynolds pen tha ..katam ..went from hydraulics to pen history to what not ..beech mein suddenly the idea to blog came ..had to wait till gyara baje (3G ka daytime browsing katam) ..and here it is ..first of the many to come ..i believe that any hour is auspicious for a 'good' thing to start ..tadaah!! ..the 'shubh aaramb'!!

p.s. my thoughts - my style if you cant understand problemo not that easy to understand ;D